Hot Chocolate 15k and My New Goal

Hey yall!

After the marathon, I took a long break from working out. I also stopped running. (Let’s be honest, I haven’t really run in forever!). Anyway, way back in November, my friend asked me if I wanted to do the Hot Chocolate 15k with her. (Feb 8th) This was before the marathon, so I assumed that I would be able to do a 15k no problem. (hah!) By the way, a 15k is 9.3 miles. I agreed to do it with her because a) I hadn’t seen her in forever because she is at school in another state; b) she is legitimately training for a marathon so I knew that I would push myself to keep up; and c) I want and need to get back into running. I signed up for the race.

Here is the site if yall want to check it out: (this is where I got the logo)
Basically it’s awesome because you get a jacket instead of a t-shirt and after the race you get hot chocolate and chocolate fondue with dippers! Uh, yes please. #CHOCOLATEMADEMEDOIT

As I mentioned before, I hadn’t really worked out since the marathon. Well, that isn’t entirely true. I worked out the week after (3x), but then I got sick and did not exercise at all. What I’m getting at is that I was really nervous and didn’t want to do the run when the time came. I told my friend to leave me if I was slowing her down. (Her pace time was 11min/mile) It was snowing/icing the week prior so I was really hoping it would get cancelled– I’M TERRIBLE! Well, I already committed a while back so I had to honor that commitment.

Race day came and it was FREEZING! Literally. I think it was in the early 30s but with the windchill it felt like 20something.  Of course I was also really nervous. My stomach was hurting pretty bad so that made things worse and increased my nervousness. (I used to not get nervous before races; I would just get excited. I guess since I took way too long of a break from running, I sort of dread them now because I am so out of shape? Maybe.) Ok, so race day started out really bad because I had stomach pains. But, I was with my friend and we spent time catching up, so it was all good.

The race started and we took off. I was feeling ok but of course I started getting pretty tired. My mindset was: “We are going to do 9 miles. I should force myself to keep up with her as much as possible so I’m not last.” Yes, I was terrified that I would get last place. (sidenote: “you’re stronger than you think.” Love that inspirational quote) So I keep up with her pretty well, but around mile 4 there were some really intense hills. I power through but by mile 5 I was really worn out. We were running up a steep hill and normally I choose to go fast up a hill so I suffer less, but at that point I was so exhausted from running 5 miles in a row! (I really hadn’t ran that much without walking in months) My friend speeds up and I slow down. I  absolutely encouraged her to leave me and not slow down.

Another sidenote: When I run races (now since I am ok incorporating walk breaks), I make small goals along the way. An example would be planning my walk break at the next water station. In this instance, we had just passed mile marker 5 so I planned on getting water and walking for a bit at the next stop. Around mile 5.5 there are people on the sidewalk with a table and cups, so naturally I assumed it was a water station. I ran up to the person and this is what I saw…


Gig ’em Aggies! (It really was whiskey)

Initially I ran up, saw that it was whiskey, WHOOPed, then ran past them, hoping for water. But, I saw someone else take a picture and since I graduated from A&M I had to capture this and send it to all my fellow Aggie friends. I made my way back and took a picture. This was awesome! I almost took a shot of whiskey, but my stomach was still feeling iffy, so I didn’t risk it. I made it to the next water station and took my walk break. (Mile 6) I decided that I would take a walk break at the water station at Mile 7 and continue on that trend. Well… mile 7 came but there wasn’t a water station. I did say that I would walk at the next water station, so I toughed it out and made it to the mile 8 water station. By this point, I was beyond exhausted but excited as well because there was a little over a mile left! I ended up walking more than I intended to, but I finished strong! My overall time was around 1:48. Here are some pictures of the race.

Cute Chocolate!

Cute Chocolate!

Pre Race with the jumbo hot chocolate!

Pre Race with the jumbo hot chocolate!

We did it!

We did it!



I really enjoyed this race and after I completed it, I felt so proud of myself. I also realized that I wanted to continue to do races and get back into running. My goal is to keep up with running and do more 5k races and 10k races! I think 9 miles was a little too much for me, but once I run more and get better, I think I’ll want to do a 15k race or two! Overall, I am really going to force myself to get out an run more!

What are your fitness goals? Leave me a comment letting me know!

Thanks for stopping by! Happy Running!