Woodshed Smokehouse

Hey yall!

Sorry I’ve been gone for so long. Today I come to you talking about an amazing new restaurant discovery in Fort Worth. As you can tell by the title, it’s called WOODSHED SMOKEHOUSE.  http://www.woodshedsmokehouse.com/

A little description from the website:
“The Woodshed Smokehouse is Chef Tim Love‘s homage to all things grilled, roasted, and slow-cooked, featuring a daily rotating selection of beef, lamb, pork, cabrito, wild game, fish, and vegetables, all cooked over a variety of woods and fire sources. The round orange animal icon at the top of this page – that’s our animal of the day, and you can click it to view a live webcam of it on the spit!

Enjoy Chef Love’s signature food in our dining room, in the bar, or on our patio that sits right on the banks of the Trinity River. Dogs are welcome in our gravel area, and we even have a special menu just for man’s (and woman’s) best friend!”


I wish I would have taken more pictures of the seating/restaurant. I will when I go next!


The place is along the Trinity River Trail and it is a PERFECT place to eat at when the weather is nice. It has a picnic-y, rustic vibe, yet you get a classy feel as well. (If that makes sense) You get a beautiful view when you’re eating and an even more beautiful sniff when you run past it. (runners, bikers, walkers etc frequently use the Trinity Trail– It’s a GREAT place to run!) I remember walking in and being in awe of the place. It really is a beautifully decorated restaurant.

I want to show yall how pretty and outdoorsy it is, but unfortunately I didn’t take pictures of the seating. Here is a picture taken from their website so you could get a better feel:


Now moving onto the food… I have never been to a place like this. Maybe that is why I’m raving about it so much, but here is the menu:

Not only does the menu look cool and modern, it’s also very unique and different to anywhere I have been. It has a legend type thing on the side showing what type of wood the food was smoked with. Here is a little sidenote: I LOVE SMOKED MEAT. (really smoked anything.) Who doesn’t right? I really REALLY love the flavor you get from smoking food. The smell is also divine. Anytime I smell smoked meat while I’m out, I kind of go crazy.

Anyway, the menu is awesome. I felt like a child because I was SO excited about the menu/concept of the whole place. Another sidenote: I AM ALWAYS DOWN FOR A BURGER. Yeah, it really isn’t a surprise. I love food and burgers are delicious so obviously I love burgers.
I got the Woodshed Burger: Chopped beef, the sausage special of the day, smoked cheddar on top of a beef patty with garnish. WOW. How could I NOT pass up all that smoked meat. I also ordered a side of potato salad.



LOOK AT THAT PLATING!!!!! Ok I am a huge sucker and if something is pretty or plated uniquely. When this came out, I WAS SPEECHLESS AND IN LOVE. Also, if yall don’t know, Texans usually have some serious Texas Pride. (Yep, I capitalized that and made it a proper noun). So, when my burger came out topped with a little Texas flag, I lost it. It is such a simple (and probably inexpensive) decoration that REALLY makes a difference. Also, it made it too beautiful and unique to not take a picture of! This plating is just– WOW.

Ok the food. Yall saw that cross section shot of the burger. It really speaks for itself, but the food was really good. You really could taste all of the burger’s layers. The smokiness hits you, while the fresh vegetables give it a nice crunch. The cheese of course adds an extra fatty element as well. And I’m speaking for myself (and hopefully others?) when I say that I LOVE adding a crunchy bite into my mouth when I’m eating. (Ex: chips on sandwiches). This was no exception, so I would take a bite of burger and then toss a chip into my mouth. It was glorious.
The potato salad was good. It had crispy garlic on the top, which was ok. I liked the crunch it added, but I wish it wasn’t so bitter. Overall, I did like the potato salad, but to me, it wasn’t anything super special.




I haven’t said this yet, but it seriously is a BRILLIANT place. Not only is the food good, but the physical attractiveness of the restaurant is good and also the uniqueness makes it such a hit. Seriously.. GENIUS on Chef Tim Love’s part. It really is. It’s modern, yet homey at the same time. There is something for everyone (how cliche, haha) and the food is great. I highly recommend this place if yall are in the DFW area! Spring is (hopefully) coming up, so if you get a chance, check it out!


Thanks for stopping by! Do yall share an obsession with smoked meat like me??


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